Our mission is well education

Understand water well hydrology

makes a better, well-informed groundwater professional

PowerPoint Video

Weight is called pressure, height is call head, water flow can be from push and/or pull. Water can flow up down or sideways. It can get very confusing, but we need to understand how a well really works to get the biggest supply for the smallest cost. This PowerPoint video makes it easy to understand water well terms and facts on just how a well, aquifer and pump team up to supply water.

How water travels to a well

The big picture of the journey water takes to provide us with well water.

How a well is constructed

The major components that make up a well.

Water pressure explained

Pressure moves water it can be from gravity or manufactured.

Well water recovery

Wells use counterbalance to produce water, they are reverse water towers.

How Drawdown works

Pressure differential creates a well water volume.

Porosity and permeability

Porosity is the water pour resistance to pass by solids.


The cone of depression

Flowing water speeds up as it converges in on a well.


Water Entrance Velocity

The speed that water goes through opening is what cause sand pumping and other well problems.

uphole or upflow velocity

Tell us how much water is collected from anyone area.

Well development & Cleaning

Is done to give a well a better porosity.

The Well water pump

The well water lifting devise that lifts water out of the well.

A wells water yield

A well’s water yield is called specific capacity because it is the gallons produce for drawdown distant.


How a well ages

Mineralization, scale, and slime leads to almost all well water issues and casing damage.


A clear picture

A well camera can point out a pending problem and is the best way to keep an eye on what is going on downhole.

Purchase Video

Soon to be online for pre orders and direct shipment contact waterwellbob@gmail.com